सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Tyagpatra by Jainendra Book Review

 त्यागपत्र: एक अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा की कहानी जैनेंद्र कुमार का उपन्यास 'त्यागपत्र' भारतीय साहित्य में एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखता है। यह उपन्यास मृणाल की कहानी है, जो अपने पति प्रमोद के द्वारा त्याग दी जाती है। कहानी मृणाल के अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा, सामाजिक बंधनों और व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता के संघर्ष को दर्शाती है। जैनेंद्र कुमार की लेखन शैली सरल और गहरी है। उन्होंने मृणाल के मन की उलझनों और भावनात्मक जटिलताओं को बहुत ही संवेदनशील तरीके से चित्रित किया है। कहानी में सामाजिक रूढ़ियों और व्यक्तिगत इच्छाओं के बीच का द्वंद्व स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई देता है। मृणाल का त्यागपत्र केवल एक शारीरिक त्यागपत्र नहीं है, बल्कि यह उसके आंतरिक संघर्ष और मुक्ति की खोज का प्रतीक है। उपन्यास में प्रमोद का चरित्र भी जटिल है। वह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में दिखाया गया है जो सामाजिक दबावों और अपनी कमजोरियों के कारण मृणाल को त्याग देता है। यह उपन्यास उस समय के समाज में महिलाओं की स्थिति और उनके संघर्षों पर प्रकाश डालता है। 'त्यागपत्र' एक ऐसा उपन्यास है जो पाठक को सोचने पर मजबूर करता है। यह व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता, सामाजि...

Lesser Known facts about Draupadi

 Devi Draupadi was the Avatar of various Goddesses:- Devi Draupadi, or Krishnaa or, Yagnaseni, was the Avatar of Swagya Sri, part Amsh of Sachi Devi(Eternal consort of Indra Dev), Bhaarati Devi(Eternal consort of Vayu Dev), Shyamala Devi(Eternal consort of Dharma Dev), Usha Devi(Eternal consort of Ashwini Kumaar twins) and Avatar of Sri(Lakshmi Devi) (Since Arjun was reincarnation of Maharishi Sri Nar, the warrior-sages and Avatar of Sri Vishnu of previous Kalpa). She is one of the embodiments of Dharma, who were born to assist Sri Nar and Sri Narayan reincarnations- Maharathi Kuntiputra Arjun and Sri Krishna, in Dwaapar Yug, in the task to remove Adharma and establish Dharma. She was never forced in the marriage. She married the five Pandav brothers, with her own consent, with all the Vedic rituals, in presence of sages like Maharishi Sri Krishna Dvaipanyavyasa, Devarishi Naarad Muni, Rishi Dhaumya, Brahmarishi Vishwamitra, Brahmarishi Vashishtha, etc., and, Panchaal Naresh Drupad, Maharathika Drishtadyumna, Devi Kunti, etc.

All the five Pandav had been Indra Dev in the five previous consecutive Manavantar who were cursed by Mahadev, and in those five Manavantar, Devi Draupadi was Sachi Devi, as their eternal consort. One Manavantar is ruled by one Indra Dev. The Indra is not merely only the name, but the position of Devaraaj, which changes with every Manavantar.

(As a matter of fact, she never liked Karna, let alone even love or desire him. After Dyut Sabhaa incident, she only wanted to see him dead, for all those injustified acts done on her and, her family. So please, stop insulting her character of Pativrata Stree and chastity, by linking her name with Karna, who is one of the embodiments of Adharma. It is really sickening thought and mentality, to link a person's name with their abusers, molestors, or harassers.)

2. She was born as the result of the Yagna, conducted by Panchaal Naresh Drupad(This point is for those, who believe in the distorted fact that, she was an unwanted girl child.):-

येन मे कर्मणा ब्रह्मन्पुत्रः स्याद्द्रोणमृत्यवे॥ 1-181-11 (8162)`(a son who will cause death to Drona)

अर्जुनस्य भवेद्भार्या भवेद्या वरवर्णिनी।'(That beautiful daughter who could be the wife of Arjuna)

Drupad doted on her daughter Draupadi, more than his life and loved her, dearly. Before Devi Draupadi, Drupad had a daughter named Shikhandini, who was trained as Maharathika warrior, by Guru Dronacharya.

3. Devi Draupadi’s other names are Yagnaseni(Daughter of Yagnasen), Panchaali(Princess of Panchaal kingdom), Krishnaa(One who is dark or dusky in complexion), Sairandhi(an expert maid), Maalini(One who is expert in flower braiding or flower girl) Parshati(Granddaughter of King Prashat), Nitya Yavani(One who is ageless), Yojanagandha(Her fragnance of Blue Lotus is spread across a Yojan), Mahabharati(wife of the five great descendants of Maharaj Bharat), Panchami, etc. She is considered to be the most beautiful woman on Earth, that time in Dwaapar Yug.

An excerpt from Adi Parva:-

A part of Shri herself was born on earth out of love. She was born as a faultless daughter in the house of Drupada, from the middle of a sacrificial altar. She was neither tall nor short, and had the fragrance of a blue lotus. Her eyes were long, like lotus leaves. Her hips were well formed. Her hair was long and black. She had all the auspicious marks on her body and she had the shine of lapis lazuli. She charmed the minds of five men who were like Indras.

An excerpt from Swayamwar Parva of Adi Parva:-

The illustrious Yajnasena, otherwise called Drupada, had a daughter risen from the centre of the sacrificial altar. Of eyes like lotus-petals and of faultless features endued with youth and intelligence, she is extremely beautiful. And the slender-waisted Draupadi of every feature perfectly faultless, and whose body emitteth a fragrance like unto that of the blue lotus for two full miles around, is the sister of the strong-armed Dhrishtadyumna gifted with great prowess--the (would-be) slayer of Drona--who was born with natural mail and sword and bow and arrows from the blazing fire, himself like unto the second Fire.

4. She never rejected Karna on the basis of being Suta. Karna failed in the Swayamwar. All the people of all the Varna were invited in the Swayamwar:-

आरोपयतु शीघ्रं वै तथेत्यूचुर्द्विजर्षभाः। 1-203-16

एवं तेषां विलपतां विप्राणां विविधा गिरः॥ 1-203-16x (1135)

अर्जुनो धनुषोऽभ्याशे तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः।

`अर्जुनः पाण्डवश्रेष्ठो धृष्टद्युम्नमथाब्रवीत्॥ 1-203-17 (8995)

एतद्धनुर्ब्राह्मणानां सज्यं कर्तुमलं तु किम्। 1-203-18 (8996)

वैशम्पायन उवाच। तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा धृष्टद्युम्नोऽब्रवीद्वचः॥ 1-203-18x (1136)

ब्राह्मणो वाथ राजन्यो वैश्यो वा शूद्र एव वा।

एतेषां यो धनुःश्रेष्ठं सज्यं कुर्याद्द्विजोत्तम॥ 1-203-19 (8997)

तस्मै प्रदेया भगिनी सत्यमुक्तं मया वचः॥ 1-203-20

Arjun in the form of Brahmin, said to Dhryastudam, “Is it permitted for brahmanas to string this bow?”

Hearing these words, Dhryastudam replied, “Either a brahmana or one of the royal order or a vaishya or even a shudra ! Any one of them who is able to string this most opulent bow, noble brahmana, unto him shall my sister be given, and I say the truth.”

If anyone reads Itihaasa Jaya, Harivamsh, and different Purana, you will get to know that, even people belonging to Yadu clan, like Sri Krishna, Pritha(later Kunti, daughter of Raja Kuntibhoj), Pandav, etc., were of Suta Varna, which is a Sub-Varna within Kshatriya Varna. Therefore, Suta are Kshatriya. And, Adhirath belonged to the royal lineage of Anga Kingdom. Hence, Devi Draupadi rejecting Karna on the basis of being Suta, is an illogical statement.

Even Duryodhan and Karna were invited and participated in the Swayamwar, and they both, failed to string the bow.

‘O ruler of the earth! When everything was quiet, Dhrishtadyumna went to the centre of the arena and spoke, in a thundering voice, words that were deep with meaning and sweet. “O assembled kings! Hear that this is the bow, that is the target and these are the arrows. With these five arrows, shoot the target through the hole in the centre of the machine. I truly say that the handsome and strong one, born in a noble family, who accomplishes this great feat today, will obtain as his wife my sister Krishna.” Having thus addressed the assembled kings, Drupada’s son spoke to Droupadi, recounting to her the lineages and deeds of the assembled kings.’

‘Dhrishtadyumna said, “Duryodhana, Durvisaha, Durmukha, Dushpradharshana, Vivimshati, Vikarna, Saha, Duhshasana, Sama, Yuyutsu, Vatavega, Bhimavegadhara, Ugrayudha, Balaki, Kanakayu, Virochana, Sukundula, Chitrasena, Suvarcha, Kanakadhvaja, Nandaka, Bahushali, Kunduja and Vikata—these and others are the immensely powerful sons of Dhritarashtra. These warriors have come with Karna for your hand.

‘Then, one after another, those kings exhibited their valour for Krishna. But the bow was so strong that with all their strength, they could not string it. The firm wood of the bow recoiled and flung those brave rulers of men on the ground. They failed in their desire and could be seen on the ground, miserable and broken in spirit. That firm bow caused them pain and shattered their bracelets and earrings. Having lost hopes of obtaining Krishna, that assembly of kings was crestfallen. In that assembly, those kings who boasted of noble birth then became objects of derision.

5. She never laughed at Duryodhan in Mayaa Sabhaa, let alone saying ‘Andhe Ka Putr Andhaa'. She was not even present at the time of the incidence.

Excerpt from Dyut Parva:-

One day, Dhritarashtra’s son, the lord of the earth, arrived at a place in the middle of the sabha that was paved with crystal. The king thought it to be water and, in alarm, raised up his clothes. His mind deluded, he wandered around the sabha, shame-faced and miserable. After some time, he mistook a lake with crystal water, adorned with crystal lotuses, for land and fell into the water with his clothes on. On seeing him fall into the water, the servants laughed out in delight and on the instructions of the king, gave him fresh clothes. On seeing him in that fashion, the immensely strong Bhimasena, and Arjuna and the twins, all burst out in laughter. Since he was incapable of bearing insults, he could not tolerate this. To save his face, he did not even look at them. He again drew up his clothes to ascend firm land and all the people again laughed out aloud. He mistook a closed door to be open and hurt his forehead against it. On another occasion, taking an open one to be closed, he stepped away from the doorway. O lord of the earth! He thus committed various errors there.

6. Being an empress, she was the most busy person and, was responsible for treasury of Indraprastha, Hastinapur and, later Bharatvarsh and, was well versed in Dharma, Ved, Shaastra, etc. She was also well versed in martial arts and Dhanurved. She knew the name, characteristics, and behavior of each person, who worked in the palace. She was the one, who used wake up most early, fed thousands of Brahmin, physically challenged, and needy people, people irrespective of age, Varna, gender and, was the last one to go to the bed. The Pandav used to take her advice and decisions, for the smooth administration of the empire. This is written in the conversation between Devi Draupadi and Devi Satyabhaama and also said by Yudhishthir, in the Kuru Sabhaa.

An excerpt from Draupadi- Satyabhaama Samvaad

I knew everything about what the maid-servants of the palace and other classes of attendants, even the cow-herds and the shepherds of the royal establishment, did or did not. O blessed and illustrious lady, it was I alone amongst the Pandavas who knew the income and expenditure of the king and what their whole wealth was. And those bulls among the Bharatas, throwing upon me the burden of looking after all those that were to be fed by them, would, O thou of handsome face, pay their court to me. And this load, so heavy and incapable of being borne by persons of evil heart, I used to bear day and night, sacrificing my ease, and all the while affectionately devoted to them. And while my husbands were engaged in the pursuit of virtue, I only supervised their treasury inexhaustible like the ever-filled receptacle of Varuna. Day and night bearing hunger and thirst, I used to serve the Kuru princes, so that my nights and days were equal to me. I used to wake up first and go to bed last. This, O Satyabhama, hath ever been my charm for making my husbands obedient to me! Vana Parva: Draupadi-Satyabhama Samvada: Section CCXXXI

7. She loved Ghatotakach and Abhimanyu as her own sons. (It is a complete myth that, Devi Draupadi cursed Ghatotakach, whereas in reality, she loved Ghatotakach as her own son.)

8. Devi Draupadi was the most kind person and, humble, compassionate towards everyone. (Many people have said that, Devi Draupadi was a rude and arrogant woman, but as per text, it is absolutely not true). She even forgave Jayadhratha, and Ashwatthama.

9. She never had any problems with the other wives of Pandav and, they all stayed in Indraprastha and Hastinapur, whenever they wanted.

10. She considered her five husbands as her five senses. Due to this unity among them, Devi Draupadi was even termed as the sixth Pandav. Vana Parva: Draupadi-Satyabhama Samvada: Section CCXXXI

11. Devi Draupadi considered Devi Kunti as her mother and was very affectionate towards her. Devi Kunti specifically instructed her sons, the Pandav, to follow the path or advice, shown by Devi Draupadi.

An excerpt from Bhagawat- Yana Parva

‘“O Janardana! Droupadi is the beloved of all my sons. She has been born in a noble lineage and possesses good conduct. She is endowed with all the qualities. She speaks the truth and chose the world of her husbands over the world of her sons. Having left her beloved sons, she followed the Pandavas. She was born in a noble lineage and has been honoured with all the objects of desire. She is fortunate in every way. O Achyuta! How is the illustrious Droupadi? She has five husbands and they are brave warriors, equal to the fire. They are great archers. But Droupadi has only faced unhappiness. O destroyer of enemies! I have not seen Droupadi, who is truthful in speech, for fourteen years. Worrying about her sons, she must be tired out. Droupadi has such conduct, yet she has not obtained eternal happiness. It is then certain that a man does not obtain happiness because of his meritorious deeds. Bibhatsu, Yudhishthira, Bhimasena and the twins are not dearer to me than Krishnaa. When I saw her brought to the assembly hall, it brought me greater pain than anything I had confronted before. Without wishing for it, Droupadi was brought before her fathers-in-law. While all the Kurus watched, she was brought to the assembly hall in a single garment. She was brought there by an ignoble one, who was overcome by anger and avarice. Dhritarashtra, the great king Bahlika, Kripa, Somadatta and the distressed Kurus were present there. Among all those who were there in the assembly, I respect Kshatta alone. A man becomes an arya because of what he does, not because of riches or learning. O Krishna! The great-souled Kshatta’s great intelligence is profound. Because of his conduct, he is established like an ornament of the world.”

‘She was both distressed and happy at having seen Govinda arrive. She began to recount the many kinds of unhappiness that she had faced. “O destroyer of enemies! Gambling with the dice and the killing of deer were sins practised by evil kings in earlier times. Could those have brought them happiness? I am tormented because Krishnaa was molested in the assembly hall by Dhritarashtra’s son, in the midst of the Kurus. This could not have been good. O scorcher of enemies! They were exiled to the forest and banished. O Janardana! There are many kinds of unhappiness that I have faced. O Keshava! They lived in concealment and were separated from their children. O scorcher of enemies! Nothing makes me and my sons suffer more than that we will now be deceived by Duryodhana in the fourteenth year. If happiness does not follow unhappiness, the fruits of meritorious deeds will be destroyed. I have not distinguished between the sons of Dhritarashtra and the Pandavas. O Krishna! That is the truth and because of this, I will see you and the Pandavas emerge from this battle, surrounded by prosperity, and with the enemies slain. They have such spirit that they are incapable of being vanquished.

O Govinda! I have not seen Yudhishthira, Dhananjaya, the twins and Vriokodara for fourteen years. Men perform funeral ceremonies for those whose lives have been destroyed. O Janardana! They seem to be dead to me, and I to them. O Madhava! Tell King Yudhishthira, who has dharma in his soul, ‘O son! Your dharma is diminishing. Your deeds are in vain.’ O Vasudeva! Shame on those who live like me, under the protection of others. Also tell Dhananjaya and Vrikodara, who is always ready, ‘The reason why a kshatriya gives birth to sons, and the appropriate time, has arrived. The time has come. And if the time passes, no matter how respected you are by the worlds, you will do that which is extremely cruel. If you act in this cruel way, I will abandon you for an eternity. When the time has arrived, one should even give up one’s own life.’ Tell Madri’s two sons, who are always devoted to the dharma of kshatriyas. ‘Even at the cost of your lives, choose the comforts that can only be obtained through valour.’ O Purushottama! For a man who lives according to the dharma of kshatriyas, there is always delight at obtaining objects that are gained through valour. O mighty-armed one! You know that when Bhima and Arjuna are extremely enraged, they can despatch even the gods on the final destination. It was an insult to them that Krishnaa was brought to the assembly hall and Duhshasana and Karna addressed her in harsh words. While the foremost among the Kurus looked on, Duryodhana assailed the intelligent Bhimasena, and will now witness the consequences. Having once embarked on an enmity, Vrikodara cannot be pacified. Even an old enmity with Bhima cannot be pacified until that destroyer of enemies has brought an end to all his foes. The robbing of the kingdom, the defeat at the game of dice and the exile of my sons has not caused me as much of unhappiness, as that of the large and dark lady brought to the assembly hall in a single garment. She was made to listen to harsh words. What can be greater misery than that? She was in her seasons then. The one with the beautiful thighs has always been devoted to the dharma of kshatriyas. Though she had protectors, Krishnaa found no one to protect her then. O Madhusudana! But my sons and I have you as a protector, and Rama, supreme among strong ones, and maharatha Pradyumna. O Purushottama! I can therefore bear all these miseries now, because the invincible Bhima and Vijaya, who cannot be dislodged, are alive.” She was overcome with grief because of her sons.

12. She has been described as very strong, in the terms of physical strength. When Jaydhratha and Keechak grasped her, she, using her strength, dashed or thrown, both of them to the ground !

Draupadi Harana Parva

Jayadratha, however, seized her by her upper garment, but she pushed him with great vigour. And pushed by the lady, that sinful wretch fell upon the ground like a tree severed from its roots.

Kichak Bhada Parva

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Seeing that large-eyed lady reproving him in that strain, Kichaka suddenly seized her by the end of her upper garment as she attempted to run away. And seized with violence by Kichaka, the beautiful princess, unable to tolerate it, and with frame trembling with wrath, and breathing quickly, dashed him to the ground.

And dashed to the ground thus, the sinful wretch tumbled down like a tree whose roots had been cut.

13. Devi Draupadi loved and respected all the five Pandav, throughout their lives, and she was also respected by everyone and, she is one the Panch Kanyaa and is worshipped and revered as Pativrataa Stree. She gave strength and encouragement to Pandav brothers, during the time of their exile to fight for their rights, when they were depressed and, encouraged them to follow the Dharma of a Kshatriya and, fight for Dharma. She also encouraged Dharmaraaj Yudhishthir, to take up the responsibility of the throne of Hastinapur and Bharatvarsha and, follow the Raaj Dharma, after the Dharma Yudh of Kurukshetra, when he was suffering from anxiety, depression, self- guilt, etc., seeing the aftermath of the war.

The well-known hymn in Vedic Sanskrit, that defines the Panch Kanyaa, runs:

Sanskrit transliteration

ahalyā draupadī kunti tārā mandodarī tathā ।

pañcakanyāḥ smarennityaṃ mahāpātakanāśinīḥ ॥

English translation

Ahalya, Draupadi, Kunti, Tara and Mandodari

One should forever remember the panchakanya who are the destroyers of great sins.

14. Devi Draupadi handled and headed the Grievance Redressal organisation to uplift the conditions of the people, especially women and children, who lost their families in the Dharma Yudh of Kurukshetra.

These above are the few facts, related to Devi Draupadi.

I will update the answer, if come across some more and new facts.

Edit:- According to Sakta Mahabhagwatam, Devi Draupadi was the incarnation of Devi Kalika and, manifestation of Adi Parashakti herself.

जय श्री नर, जय श्री नारायण ।

धन्यवाद ।


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 How Vinesh Phogat wronged Shivani Pawar The girl in the photo is Shivani Pawar. You might not have seen her before because she wasn’t sitting at Jantar Mantar, nor was she covered by the media. This 26-year-old is a Head Constable in the BSF. Shivani is also a farmer's daughter, hailing from a small village called Umred in MP. Shivani is also a wrestler. Three years ago, at the Under-23 World Wrestling Championships, she won a silver medal in the 50 kg weight category. In the same event, Anju won a bronze. Shivani was the first Indian wrestler to win a medal in this competition. She has also won a gold medal in the World Police Sports Championships and a bronze in the Asian Wrestling Championships. Shivani is a promising wrestler with a bright future. But why didn’t she make it to the Paris Olympics? In March, a trial competition was held in Patiala. In this competition, Vinesh Phogat lost to Anju in her usual 53 kg category. This is the same Anju mentioned earlier. After losing i...

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 फरवरी के अंत तक देश में दो ही तरह के लोग बचेंगे—एक वे, जिन्होंने कुंभ में स्नान कर लिया और दूसरा वे, जिन्होंने कुंभ में स्नान नहीं किया!यह विभाजन जाति, धर्म, भाषा, क्षेत्र से ऊपर उठकर नई पहचान गढ़ रहा है—"स्नानी" बनाम "अस्नानी"! कुंभ में स्नान कर चुके लोग खुद को शुद्धता का आखिरी प्रमाणपत्र मानेंगे! उनके चेहरे की चमक किसी फेशियल क्रीम से नहीं, बल्कि गंगा जल की बूंदों से उपजी होगी! वे किसी भी तर्क-वितर्क में यह कहकर जीत जाएंगे—"पहले स्नान कर आओ, फिर बात करना!" धर्म और आस्था की भावना से लबरेज, वे खुद को मोक्ष के एक कदम करीब मानेंगे और दूसरों को अधूरे जीवन का बोझ उठाने वाला समझेंगे! दूसरी तरफ वे होंगे, जो कुंभ में नहीं जा पाए—कारण चाहे जो भी रहा हो!ऑफिस की छुट्टी नहीं मिली, ट्रेन की टिकट नहीं मिली, या बस आलस कर गए!इन्हें जीवनभर इस ग्लानि से जूझना पड़ेगा कि वे 2025 के ऐतिहासिक स्नान युग का हिस्सा नहीं बन पाए!स्नानी मित्र उनसे मिलते ही ताने मारेंगे—"अरे, तुम तो अभी तक अपवित्र ही घूम रहे हो!" सरकार आगे चलकर स्नान करने वालों को प्रमाण पत्र दे सकती है, ज...

Kashi ka Assi Book Review

**किताब समीक्षा: "काशी का अस्सी"** **लेखक**: काशीनाथ सिंह   **शैली**: व्यंग्यात्मक कथा साहित्य   **प्रकाशन वर्ष**: 2004 "काशी का अस्सी" हिंदी साहित्य में एक महत्वपूर्ण और चर्चित उपन्यास है, जिसे काशीनाथ सिंह ने लिखा है। यह किताब बनारस की जीवनशैली, वहाँ की संस्कृति और आम जनमानस की भाषा और बोलचाल का जीवंत चित्रण करती है। किताब का केंद्र बनारस का प्रसिद्ध अस्सी घाट है, जो सिर्फ एक भौगोलिक स्थल नहीं, बल्कि बनारसी जीवन का प्रतीक है। ### **कहानी का सारांश**: कहानी अस्सी घाट के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जहाँ विभिन्न तबकों के लोग बैठकर बातचीत, बहस और ठहाके लगाते हैं। यह बनारसी समाज की धड़कनों को पकड़ता है। किताब में कई पात्र हैं, जिनमें मुख्यत: पंडित, टीकाकार, शिक्षक, छात्र, नौकरीपेशा लोग और साधारण नागरिक शामिल हैं। हर व्यक्ति का अपना दृष्टिकोण और जीवन के प्रति अपने अनुभव होते हैं, जो किताब को वास्तविक और मजेदार बनाते हैं। **काशी का अस्सी** में अस्सी घाट के पंडों और स्थानीय निवासियों के रोजमर्रा के जीवन को बड़े ही सजीव और व्यंग्यात्मक शैली में प्रस्तुत किया गया है। काशी का परंपर...

Controversy over Indian Cricket Team's Aggressive Behaviour

 ऑस्ट्रेलिया में चल रही टेस्ट सीरीज में भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के आक्रामक व्यवहार को लेकर बहुत चर्चा हो रही है। ऑस्ट्रेलियाई खिलाड़ियों को धक्का देना, उनपर व्यंग्य करना, उन्हें ट्रोल करना... पहली नजर में यह बुरा तो लगता ही है। अपने यहाँ के लोग भी भारतीय खिलाड़ियों की असभ्यता की आलोचना कर रहे हैं।     मुझे लगता है जिन लोगों ने नब्बे के दशक तक ऑस्ट्रेलियाई खिलाड़ियों का व्यवहार देखा हो, उन्हें भारतीय खिलाड़ियों का व्यवहार बुरा नहीं लगेगा। सौरभ गांगुली के कप्तान बनने से पहले भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के साथ कैसा व्यवहार होता रहा है, वह हमें खूब याद है।      एक बार वेस्टइंडीज के गैरी सोबर्स(या शायद विवियन रिचर्ड्स) ने कहा था- "हम भारत में खेलने कहाँ आते हैं, हम तो केवल इसलिए आते हैं कि यहाँ की लड़कियां सुन्दर हैं।" आप समझ रहे हैं यह कितना अपमानजनक बयान है? भारतीय खिलाड़ियों ने लम्बे समय तक ऐसा तिरस्कार और अपमानजनक बर्ताव झेला है।      क्रिकेट इतिहास में सर्वाधिक अभद्रता ऑस्ट्रेलिया के खिलाड़ियों ने दिखाई है, और सबसे अधिक भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के विरुद्ध... खिलाड़...