सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Tyagpatra by Jainendra Book Review

 त्यागपत्र: एक अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा की कहानी जैनेंद्र कुमार का उपन्यास 'त्यागपत्र' भारतीय साहित्य में एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखता है। यह उपन्यास मृणाल की कहानी है, जो अपने पति प्रमोद के द्वारा त्याग दी जाती है। कहानी मृणाल के अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा, सामाजिक बंधनों और व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता के संघर्ष को दर्शाती है। जैनेंद्र कुमार की लेखन शैली सरल और गहरी है। उन्होंने मृणाल के मन की उलझनों और भावनात्मक जटिलताओं को बहुत ही संवेदनशील तरीके से चित्रित किया है। कहानी में सामाजिक रूढ़ियों और व्यक्तिगत इच्छाओं के बीच का द्वंद्व स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई देता है। मृणाल का त्यागपत्र केवल एक शारीरिक त्यागपत्र नहीं है, बल्कि यह उसके आंतरिक संघर्ष और मुक्ति की खोज का प्रतीक है। उपन्यास में प्रमोद का चरित्र भी जटिल है। वह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में दिखाया गया है जो सामाजिक दबावों और अपनी कमजोरियों के कारण मृणाल को त्याग देता है। यह उपन्यास उस समय के समाज में महिलाओं की स्थिति और उनके संघर्षों पर प्रकाश डालता है। 'त्यागपत्र' एक ऐसा उपन्यास है जो पाठक को सोचने पर मजबूर करता है। यह व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता, सामाजि...

Who are Gandharvas?


Gandharvas were a strong powerful race. Their strength would be at its nadir after sunset.

Earlier, when Pandu’s sons were in disguise, after Duryodhan had tried to char them to death, they had a close encounter with Gandharva king Angaraparna in the forest.

After days of walking tirelessly they reached the holy river Ganga with Arjun in the lead to show the way. King Angaraparna was sporting in the river waters with his wives.

Gandharvas were considered to be stronger than men having strong attachment for wealth and material things.

The king was enraged at seeing strangers in the vicinity of his kingdom. He roared at them. He felt that the Ganges and the neighbouring forest Angaraparna was his private abode and no one dare set foot on its soil after sunset.

Arjun was angry. How could anyone express ownership on the rivers and the forests! Only the weak submitted to power. This argument angered Angaraparna. He challenged the Pandav to a duel.

Arjuna used the Agni weapon given to him by Drona. Angaraparna’s chariot was charred by the impact of the missile and the king knocked down unconscious. His wife Kumbhinasi begged and pleaded for her life and that of her husband. She wished to take refuge with the enemy.

Yudhishtra asked his brother to set the king free. The Gandharva wished to reciprocate. He offered to give Arjuna well trained horses. Angaraparna after lots of penance had attained insight and could see people around him as they were and not as how they appeared. This knowledge made Gandharvas superior to men. He wished to pass on the knowledge to Yudhisthira.

Yudhisthira had forsaken Angaraparna’s life for righteousness and not personal gains. In order not to belittle he asked to be imparted the knowledge of releasing and recalling the Agni weapon and hence put a seal on friendship.

In Indralok, Gandharva King Chitrasena, had taught Arjuna the art of singing and dancing, which was not known to men of kshatriya lineage.

Not only that, when Duryodhan went on a cattle related expedition, he was captured by Chitrasena. Even the skilful archer Karna had fled beside others. It was because of Arjun’s intervention that the cousin was released. The Gandharvas were known to fight with weapons of illusion.


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