सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Tyagpatra by Jainendra Book Review

 त्यागपत्र: एक अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा की कहानी जैनेंद्र कुमार का उपन्यास 'त्यागपत्र' भारतीय साहित्य में एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखता है। यह उपन्यास मृणाल की कहानी है, जो अपने पति प्रमोद के द्वारा त्याग दी जाती है। कहानी मृणाल के अंतर्मुखी पीड़ा, सामाजिक बंधनों और व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता के संघर्ष को दर्शाती है। जैनेंद्र कुमार की लेखन शैली सरल और गहरी है। उन्होंने मृणाल के मन की उलझनों और भावनात्मक जटिलताओं को बहुत ही संवेदनशील तरीके से चित्रित किया है। कहानी में सामाजिक रूढ़ियों और व्यक्तिगत इच्छाओं के बीच का द्वंद्व स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई देता है। मृणाल का त्यागपत्र केवल एक शारीरिक त्यागपत्र नहीं है, बल्कि यह उसके आंतरिक संघर्ष और मुक्ति की खोज का प्रतीक है। उपन्यास में प्रमोद का चरित्र भी जटिल है। वह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में दिखाया गया है जो सामाजिक दबावों और अपनी कमजोरियों के कारण मृणाल को त्याग देता है। यह उपन्यास उस समय के समाज में महिलाओं की स्थिति और उनके संघर्षों पर प्रकाश डालता है। 'त्यागपत्र' एक ऐसा उपन्यास है जो पाठक को सोचने पर मजबूर करता है। यह व्यक्तिगत स्वतंत्रता, सामाजि...

Sneha Dubey: IFS officer's meeting which heatedly responded to Imran Khan at the United Nation| A blogpost by Abiiinabu|

Whereas Indian diplomat Sneha Dubey usually ignores Pakistan's statements on the international organization, he exercised the right to respond to Imran Khan. In Pakistan, the 9/11 master engine Osama bin Laden was sheltered. The US special soldiers murdered him during the 2011 raid in the town of Abbottabad army.

In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, India again chastened Pakistan as Prime Minister Imran Khan blistered on the Kashmir issue. Pakistan has been chastened by India. India noted in its answer that Pakistan, free to terrorists, is a "harmonist," which is disguising itself as a "fireman." In his reaction.

Khan discussed India's 2019 abolishing of Article 370 and the deaths of Sid Ali Shah Geelani, the separatist pro-Pakistan politician. "The worst and the most prevalent sort of Islamophobia presently dominate India," Khan remarked in a video speech based on Covid's worries.

The world has experienced a harsh reaction, First Secretary Sneha Dubey stated, while Pakistan maintains terrorists on the back. "All Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh Union Territories have been and will be an integral and inalienable portion of India" underlined the young ambassador, who has earned international admiration.

"This covers areas under the unlawful occupation of Pakistan. We demand on Pakistan to immediately retract all its illegal work, " Added Dubey.

Who is Sneha Dubey?

    Sneha Dubey is the Indian Foreign Service batch officer (IFS) for 2012 and was educated in Goa. She studied further development at Colleg Pune Fergusson, Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru University, and international studies (JNU).

    Since she was 12, she had a dream of becoming an IFS Officer. She cleared the civil service examination in her first attempt in 2011. Dubey is a very excited traveler, who believes that she has had a huge chance to stand up as an IFS officer in her country. In her own family, Dubey is the first to work as a government worker; her dad is a global company, and her mother is a school teacher.

Dubey's first assignment was in the Ministry of External Affairs after getting selected in the IFS. In 2014, she visited Madrid's Indian embassy.

Once her heated answer came through the UN via social media, many Dubey people welcomed her answers. Some people were wondering when the "early age" was approached and how it was handled.

"What a method to keep the jokers' mouths of Pakistan silent? Each of the words was well selected... full of facts... excellent, excellent, "A user said on Twitter.

"It isn't beautiful. I am surprised. I'm surprised. I am amazed. I am impressed. So happy to see this youthful weaponry, "The user said Krushna.

Excerpts from Sneha Dubey's speech at UN

    "This is also the country that still holds the despicable record in our region of having executed a religious and cultural genocide against the people of what is now Bangladesh. As we mark the 50th anniversary this year of that horrid event in history, there is not even an acknowledgment, much less accountability,” the young diplomat said.

    Dubey remarked that the globe did not forget that the world celebrated its "bastard" terrorist assaults on 9/11 this month "Osama bin Laden, the Mastermind, had this evil catastrophe at the shelter in Pakistan. Still, Pakistani leadership honors him as a martyr."

Dubey said, sadly, that is not the very first time that the Pakistani leader "misused" UN platforms to promote false and malicious propaganda against my country, in vain, to divert the global attention from the sad state of his country, where terrorists are freely passed through the lives of ordinary people, especially the minority.

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